derogation|derogations in English


[der·o·ga·tion || ‚derə'geɪʃn]

disparaging, belittlement; being impaired; detraction (from authority or estimation)

Use "derogation|derogations" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "derogation|derogations" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "derogation|derogations", or refer to the context using the word "derogation|derogations" in the English Dictionary.

1. The derogation will comprehend ADR only.

2. Derogations concerning the use of vaccines against Newcastle disease

3. A few Member States notified their wish to adopt derogations.

4. A derogation agreed at interdepartmental level has no legal value.

5. Some countries with a derogation actually delivered (part of) the data.

6. France has a derogation for reporting the aggregates relating to heat.

7. Synonyms for Belittlings include criticism, denigrations, derision, disparagement, mockings, ridicule, scorn, vilification, derogations and diminishments

8. However, the derogation applies only to certain specified agricultural crops.

9. Derogations granted under this paragraph may not have any adverse effect on competition.

10. and, finally, the ECOFIN Council, acting by a qualified majority on a proposal of the European Commission, will decide, on the basis of the criteria set out in Article # which Member States with a derogation fulfil the necessary conditions to abrogate the derogations for the Member States concerned

11. France has a derogation for reporting the aggregates relating to heat

12. Any derogation of the common law is to be strictly construed.

13. Derogation regarding the processing of Category 3 material and manure in composting plants

14. However, Article 3 allowed certain derogations from the obligation to localize the production process.

15. Article 9 of the Directive prohibits aerial spraying of pesticides, except under derogation.

16. Article 6(1) limits the derogations allowed exclusively to measures which are justified as being objective and reasonable.

17. The deletion of the derogation for niche manufacturers will reduce administrative burden.

18. I cannot accept the derogation for dicalcium phosphate, as this is against our scientific advice.

19. Parliament wants to allow Member States to grant derogations to third-party access rules for industrial sites.

20. There was at present no mechanism whereby the Committee could ask for a special report concerning derogations

21. (d) For the purpose of point ARO.OPS.235(d), within 2 years of the implementation of a deviation or derogation, the operator shall collect data concerning the granted deviation or derogation and analyse that data using scientific principles with a view to assessing the effects of the deviation or derogation on aircrew fatigue.

22. Article # of the original proposal on transitional derogations has been deleted in line with the relevant Parliament amendment


24. Derogations from Regulation (EC) No 1338/2008, as implemented by the Commission, concerning statistics on accidents at work

25. Synonyms for Belittlement include disparagement, denigration, detraction, deprecation, derogation, depreciation, diminishment, aspersion, ridicule and belittling